Montana Science & Natural Resource Education Center

Butte, MT

Project Completion: n/a only conceptual

Size: Building 26,000 SF; Exterior Terraces and Site of 26 Acres

Project Features:
26 acre site surrounded by operating mine and adjacent to National Historic Landmark District
Educational Center as inspiration in dramatic location instilling restoration ethic in visitors
Accommodate operating mine site - to be rezoned as 'public' or 'community commercial'
Metal frames and copper skin with rammed earth and reclaimed wood - all from the site
35,000,000 budget for building

Proposed Program:

The Montana Science & Natural Resources Education Center - Main structure of 26,000 SF using metals, copper, reclaimed wood, and rammed earth - all from the site.  The structure projects out over the Berkeley Pit to give the visitor a dramatic panoramic view of past mining practices and instill a new restoration ethic through research-based exhibits.

Registered as LEED.  The buildings are to be a model of active reclamation while a "one-thousand Year" reclamation land will demonstrate the long-term commitment of real solutions to problems our use of water and natural resources create.  International and national experts have assisted in creation of this project.

Outdoor terraces and unique reclamation areas: sculpture by a nationally known individual, restoration gardens based upon bio-mimicry principles led by the foremost world expert, adjacent views of the operating mine, and community gathering space provide the entry to the MSNREC building and exhibits.

Research Center and Granite Mountain Memorial are future plans.